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So far admin has created 2 blog entries.

Operational Framework for EbA

ISPONRE decides to update the operational framework for ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change. The paper is a policy supporting document and was developed by ISPONRE and WWF. The update will integrate experiences and results from the GIZ project "Strategic Mainstreaming of Ecosystem-based Adaptation." The GIZ project team will support ISPONRE adding more detailed information about vulnerability assessments related to EbA and Monitoring and Evaluation of project implementation. The new framework will be available by end of the 1st quarter 2017.

Vulnerability Assessments in Ha Tinh and Quang Binh

In Ha Tinh and Quang Binh province GIZ and ISPONRE contracted ICEM Asia and national consultants to run comprehensive vulnerability assessments (VA). The methodology of the VA was adapted to provide in depth information about climate change, its impacts on society, economy and ecology. The Departments of Natural Resources and Environment (DONRE) of the two provinces provided important data and are approving the findings of the assessment. Key findings show the high vulnerability of the two provinces, identify socio-ecological systems (SES) in the two provinces which are threatened most and give recommendations about ecosystem-based adaptation possibilities. On 20 December 2016 the results will be presented in a workshop organised by ISPONRE and GIZ  in Hanoi to experts and representatives of the civil society. Please send us your request, if you want to get more information